Being A Parent is Hard
Parenting is one of the most rewarding things people can do in their life. It's also one of the most challenging things that you can deal with. In life, we are used to taking care of one body and one person trying to survive day by day. Sometimes we excel at that and other times it just feels like the world is falling apart. So when we bring another life into this world, it's not like a zebra where after only a few hours they are up walking and traveling with the pack. It takes months, even years, for them to get to a point where they can understand the concept of going to new places. Parenting is a hard thing, and it is never the same for anyone, but there are a few things that can help deal with the pressure of being a parent.
The things that I have seen in my life as I have watched my parents, older siblings, and ants and uncles raise their kids are simple and can help make raising a kid a little less stressful. The first thing is something that my uncles and aunt do a lot of having times when they just have the kids all together and take turns watching them and having time to socialize with family or friends. The next thing is something I learned from my brother, and it's simple but fun to be willing to go to a new place with a child, explore the world around you, and spend time away from home. Lastly, this comes from my parents and grandparents' discipline. It is going to be needed, but it's done must be in a way that helps teach the child and build a relationship with them.
Having get-togethers or playdates as the kid will know them isn't just for the kid, it's a time you can get out and spend time with friends and family. As I have said before, we are social people and need it to live, so what better way to have time to get to know someone than letting your kid have a friend and giving yourself time to meet people? We all know the parent whose whole life just revolves around their kid. Most of the time, they do find other moms to talk to, but they are usually stressed out, always thinking about the next thing for their kid to go to. These times are unstructured and give the kid a break from mom or dad and lets the parents get to know the people around their kid.
Next is going on adventures! These are fun for the whole family. If you do them right, if you don't, it becomes an even more stressful time. So these adventures can be huge or small, whatever fits your time and budget. Some of my favorite memories as a kid were the unplanned and unexpected surprises. So just get out of the house and go on a walk to a new part of town or plan a day to go out hiking and have a picnic. Just find ways to see new things and discover the world around you and your kids will enjoy seeing you get excited about the adventure and want to go father the next time you do.
Lastly, it is something that people have diverse opinions about but is a key part of raising a kid. Discipline is a hard thing to do but needs to be used properly to teach kids that the world isn't just their plaything. There are mainly four types of discipline that can help if they are used in the correct ways. The first is a reward system. The kid gets something for doing the right thing and loses it if they do not. Second, is a punishment, which is the one most people remember as unfair or annoying but is necessary for some point of behavior to help the child see there are different kinds of punishments for other actions.
The third is discussion, finding out the why and explaining both sides of the problem, having the kid sit down and understand why they did it and why they are being pushed for it. Lastly, the simplest that most people don't realize is a type of discipline but is praising the child for doing a good job. This is teaching them good behavior without the need to deal with the bad.
If we put all these things together it may help with being a parent. So, be willing to discipline a child in ways that will help them to grow. Take them out on different adventures and explore the world around you. Be willing to make friends that can help give you a social life outside your kids.
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